Sometimes you discover things and totally fall in love with it.
In this case, I heard something and fell head over heels for it.
Its a book filled with craziness, distant friendships and most of all it is something that makes you feel good.
This book has many chapters but the two chapters that made their impact a decade ago were already finished for my generation. And they made it a fact that they will never continue on writing in those chapters.
So i laid down my tomahawk and realised i have to face the fact that i will never experience seeing or hearing this live.
People got disgusting and started spreading their one liners such as "They are coming back!" for the last 5 years.
But the thing that was said in 2008 was something everybody was paying attention to, it was the so called "real deal", a warm up for the big news.
Many, many, many, many, many people actually started to believe it, sources to the so called "my musical messiah" even said: "they are talking about it"
Which led to confusing times, one said no other said yes. Your own mind was ready for a "calm the fuck down" moment. 'Cause somewhere inside your head you knew this time it might happen.
I've met the main character of the book a few times but always felt too chicken to ask. This is the kind of person that would definitely point and laugh at you.
So i decided to live in a "patience for a statement" moment.
3 months of crazy rumours "they will come here, they will come there".
Will this chapter that was closed many years ago be opened up again and will they continue on writing something new to add to their story and i could sorta be part of it by saying "yeah! i remember that! i was there!!" NO!, it was done, finished, they closed this chapter years ago.
And then there was silence, no words from anybody, Was it again some silly rumour or was it what they call here in Holland "A silence before the storm"???
I gave up talking about it, once more, it was ended over 10 years ago. How could i be so stupid and get carried away for a moment thinking it would happen?? I don't even want it to happen but would love to see it.
I stepped out of the twilight zone and continue on enjoying other chapters of the big book.
But on 24 February 2009 something was released, what - is - it? its it! :|
Something unexpected was announced, the chapter many closed years ago in which the "faith" was gone, will be opened up while I'm alive? while I'm enjoying other chapters of the book? what i was convinced of it would never happen again?
Like they say: Never Say Never.
One of my all time favourite bands: faith No More, is going to reunite this year.
This is something i never thought would happen, i can say this over and over, i just can't believe it.
Today, Thursday 26 February 2009 i read their statement on their website, its for real, it is really going to happen.
It was something i was against, i didn't want it to happen. Now i don't know wetter i want to laugh, scream or cry of happiness.
Its crazy what music can do to you.